

Awards (수상내역)

We will make all of our customers happy

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제목 Listed awarded to best partnership firm of HSHI in 2011(현대삼호중공업 우수협력회사 선정) 2014-10-20 03:38:05
첨부파일 2012년 우수협력회사 상장 수여(현대삼호중공업).jpg (file size 183KB)
작성자 marinetech
조회 1,065


Listed awarded to best partnership firm of HSHI in 2011

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이전글 Listed awarded to best partnership firm of HHI in 2011(최우수협력회사 인증패수여) 2014-10-20 03:21:20
다음글 A promising medium and small firm selection to jeollanam-do(전라남도 유망중소기업 선정) 2014-10-20 03:38:38